Photos — Beijing, China — June 2010

Photos — Beijing, China — June 2010

Photos — Beijing, China — June 2010 Photos taken during a summer study abroad 2010 trip with The University at Buffalo, in partnership with The Central Academy of Fine Arts, in Beijing, China. 2010. RELATED PROJECT — SMOGTOGRAPHY RELATED PROJECT — TIANANMEN TYPOGRAPHY...
Beijing: Beer

Beijing: Beer

Beijing: Beer On May 31st I traveled to Beijing China with UB for a “Visual Studies Workshop”. We interacted & worked with the Central Academy of Fine Arts students and produced individual projects in a 15 day time frame. The idea was to experience and...
Tiananmen Typography

Tiananmen Typography

Tiananmen Typography Type based on my experience in Tiananmen Square on June 4th, 2010. 21 years to the day after the massacre. & with nearly getting kicked out of Tiananmen on that day, it makes this an experience I couldn’t forget if I tried. The...